Sunday 13 March 2016


Hello everyone, we are back with MOMMY MONDAYS. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for showing so much interest in my blog. Really overwhelmed and humbled :)
Today's blog is about the basics of baby managing. These tips include some which I wish I knew or was warned about atleast to prepare myself because we all know how hard motherhood can be. Luckily I had my mom guiding me every step especially during Abihas infant stage. Here I've compiled those few basic points so all those new mom's. . Expecting mom's and generally all mothers can refresh the knowledge and be prepared. :)
Am I missing something? Please comment and let me know. You know I love feedback :)
Happy mommying!
Dr. Mom Chef xx

1) Feed Schedule:
Those of you who had elder siblings might know the struggle but for me , being the elder one, I was completely in shock and so not prepared. Infants need to feed after every hour if on mothers feed, and after 2-3 hours if on top feed. That means no all night sleeps, that means literally it's like feeding and pooping (will get to that in awhile). When I found this out I was taken aback. I had to schedule everything around her feeding schedule. Things did get better after 40 days and immensely better after 3 months. All those struggling mommies, hang in there... things DO improve once you start your little ones on solids.
My advice: if on formula, change duties with someone from the family half way through night and get atleast 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If on mothers feed, things will be harder.. If willing put a top feed one time at night so baby gets used to bottle. . And also gives you relieve to sleep for atleast 2-3 hours. If you can pump then also you might be able to sleep by handing over the feed duties from someone from the family :) and believe me it gets better.
Spit up is normal, if it's curdled milk and not too much, then no worries at all, if it's not curdled do talk to the doctor about it, but spit up decreases after 4-5 months when the little ones stomach sphincter becomes strong. 

2) Crying:
I had those moments of, I just changed, fed, burped... why is she still crying? Well.. I found out that babies cry for several reasons. . And once your baby starts crying.. and you need to figure out why, start eliminating these reasons.
- hungry
- dirty diaper
- sleepy
- tight diaper/clothes
- stuck burp
- bored (yes, you need to entertain them too.. play with them :) )
- craving human touch (sometimes babies just want to be held)
- colic (see if the tummy is hard and if the baby gets red in face)
- constipation ( when was the last time your little one pooped)
- check fingers/ toes, all body for any insect bite or any injury.
- fever ( check if baby is warm)
- ear pain ( babies get ear pain/ infections alot, move your finger over the area to see if there's any increase in crying)
- teething (this is for older babies not infants.. though infants can experience teething too rarely, check the gums for any bumpiness, and redness)

3) How to Soothe:
Soothing a little one can be tricky. Please don't rock or swing your baby alot.. They'll get used to it. A little to soothe them is fine but try other methods to soothe. For example, you can sing some lullaby, recite any ayat, distract them by a musical toy which has lights. Show them a rattle, animate... do exaggerated expressions, babies love them.
If your baby is colic, try those anti colic medicines like infacol and gripe water, after consulting with your doctor. You can also try those colic massage videos on YouTube. Cycling exercise for babies is great to help them pass gas.
Try burping for few minutes for any stuck burp.
Infants can poop from anywhere to no poop in 4-5 days to upto 3-4 poops per day. Best is to observe the schedule and figure out your little ones. If you see any sudden change from schedule, do talk to your doctor about it. If you think your little one is constipated, don't worry, consult the doctor, he will probably advise you to give luke warm gripe water or maybe a glycerine suppository to insert, so your baby can poop.
For teething best is to give teether, chilled is better. And remember there will be alot of saliva during teething and possibly increased spit up.
If nothing works.. and your mommy instincts tell you something is off, please go to a doctor asap. Remember to always trust your mommy instinct.

4) Burping:
Babies need to be burped after every feed. Sometimes they can take upto 20-30 minutes only in burping. That means by the time you're done.. its time for next feed. Best position is to put baby's head on your shoulder and tap on their backs gently. You can also rub your hand going up and down their backs. If they don't burp keep them straight in this position (head on your shoulder) for atleast 15-20 min then put them down. Keep observing them, if you see any discomfort, pick them up and burp again.
Babies can spit up milk during burp which can block their airway if they are lying straight, so never put babies straight. Always put the head a little inclined and titled to one side, so spit up can easily come out from the mouth.
A little tummy time (supervised) is great and recommended. Make your baby lie on its tummy. You can put a pillow under the tummy so the head is elevated and baby can breathe easily. Also works for colic babies.

5) Dirty diaper: (TMI.. move on if it grosses you out)
For infants it is advised to change diaper before every feed (formula) or 3 hourly. Check for the weight of the dirty diaper, it should have considerable pee so to know that your little one isn't dehydrating. If you find dry consecutive diapers, please go see a doctor as dehydration can be dangerous for babies. Remember babies can poop from anywhere with no poop for 4-5 days to 3-4 times a day. Just figure out your baby's schedule and observe.
Baby poop can vary in colours. Also depends on type of feed baby is on. Remember too much thick and too much thin isn't good. Any change in colour from normal needs to be addressed at doctors. Red and black poop needs emergency attention.
Once you feed your little one banana, your going to see tiny black threads in diaper. It's NORMAL. :) gave me a scare lol!

6) Day and Night Setting:
Babies not know when it's day and when it's night. You need to give them the message. This will also help in night time sleep. During day time, make them lie in a room which has alot of sunlight. This sunlight triggers their brains into thinking it's daytime and developing that sense. Likewise during their bedtime dim the lights.
Always keep a night light open with an infant or baby in the room. And always keep observing after few minutes.

7) Sleeping Tips:
As already mentioned about the spit up. Please make sure your baby's head is a little elevated at all times. Keeping it slight tilted will also help, just make sure to tilt it the other side after few days so as to not effect the shape of head.
Swaddling the baby is best, especially for infants. It makes them feel secure and therefore sleep more peacefully. 
Always remember to put one extra layer on the infant as to what you're wearing. And don't cover the head and feet together unless it's really cold.
If your using a blanket. Make sure it's not above chest and is always tucked in.

8) Alarming Signs:
If your baby is crying and you're not able to console please don't hesitate in going to the doctor. Fever, suspected dehydration, rapid change in poop colour, constipation. . All should be shown to the doctor. Any skin conditions, vomiting (different from spit up.. These are projectile and forced) also need to be checked from a doctor. Lazy or slow response from your baby is also a sign to take your baby to the doctors immediately. 
Remember always trust your mommy instincts. Nobody knows your little one better than you.. If you think something is off, don't ignore and don't delay, go show the doctor. If nothing it'll give you peace of mind at least. There is no harm in getting reassurance :)

Hope you found these useful. Preparing yourself and staying positive is key. Good luck to all mommies out there! xoxo

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